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Saturday, February 7, 2009
Best Friends 4-Ever
I've been introduced to digital scrapbooking by my dear friend Tawny. I'm not exactly that creative so I downloaded this little program and now, voila! I'm a master scrapbooker. This is just one of the designs I created. Whenever I'm with Tawny Diet Coke is involved. I have become addicted to it and the last thing I need is diet stuff. But oh well, I love it. If you'd like to download SmileBox you can click on the link or just google. It's free to download with way cute pages and lots more!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Girlz Nite Out

SATURDAY night, my roommates Heather and Dani, and Heather's sister, Brittney, and I decided to have a girls night out. We went to Comedy Sportz in Provo where it is complete improv. Kind of like the TV show "Whose Line." Completely clean humor with some Mormon jokes thrown in there.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
25 Random Things About Me
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. I am the only girl of 4. I have three brothers I love dearly with two happily married parents. They are my whole world. My mom cried when I was born because she had her little girl; my dad said I was a bald as a billard ball, although I had a full head of hair.
2. I teach two of the most hated subjects: Language Arts and History to middle schoolers. I love my job; although it can be very stressful and time consuming. I was told by my institute teacher I was guaranteed a ticket to the celestial kingdom for teaching middle school.
3. I have trust issues. I have been hurt a lot in my life by girls and guys both; as a result, I have very few close friends that I trust.
4. I also have communication problems. I don't like to talk about my problems and bottle them up inside until I burst...usually let out by crying. I don't like to burden people with my least that's how I see it.
5. This is my second time serving in the RS presidency in the past two years with the exact same calling: 1st counselor. Apparently I didn't get it right the first time???
6. I have a confession: my greatest desire is to be a wife and a mother. My mom was a stay-at-home mom and want to be the mom that greets her children every day they come home from school. I refer to my students as my "kids" because motherhood seems quite non-existent at this point in my life.
7. I have married off every single one of my roommates except one...15 to be exact.
8. I am attempting to pass my History Content Praxis for teaching for the fifth time in March. I was a history major and there are things on that test I've never even heard of. I hate that test with every fiber of my being.
9. I wrecked my brand new car 5 minutes after I got it.
10. I served a mission in the Virginia Richmond Mission. Two months later I was sent home due to illness. I was unable to return. It was the hardest trial I had ever experienced at that time, but I knew I was to be out there for a reason. I became very close with my Heavenly Father and used the Atonement in a way I never knew existed. I would never want to experience it again, but I am grateful for the experience.

11. The longest relationship I've ever had was 2 1/2 months...I've never said I love you.
12. My all time favorite person is leaving me to serve the Lord in Brazil April 1. I have no idea what I am going to do without her. She's the only who texts me on a consistent basis!! I love her dearly and will miss her terribly.
13. I hate being alone. I hate being alone with my thoughts. Kind of scary sometimes.
14. If I could travel anywhere in the world, it would be Italy. I desperately want to visit all the history in that country: the Sistine Chapel, the Vatican, Sicily, etc
15. I have been getting allergy shots every month for the past 2 1/2 years. I am allergic to things I've never heard of. Now, I can hold a puppy without sneezing my head off.
16. I got my tonsils out in April and lost 13 pounds in a week. It was a horrible two weeks; I have only gained 15 pounds since my sophomore year in high school.
17. I love the piano. I love playing contemporary music and accompanying people when they sing. My greatest accomplishment was memorizing Clair de Lune and performing it my junior year of college.
18. I can be quite OCD. I hate a dirty kitchen and clean it quite often. My closet is organized by color and in my classroom, I can't stand having my desks crooked.
19. I love my mom dearly. She is my best friend and the one person I tell everything to. She is the greatest example of perseverance and faith that I know. I would not be the person I am today without her. She loves me for who I am despite all my flaws and imperfections.
20. I am a very stubborn person. When someone tells me I can't do something, I will do everything I can to prove them wrong. I always like to be right and will argue something to the bitter end even when I know I'm wrong.
21. I live in Orem right now and commute to West Jordan for my job. It is a 30-minute commute but I enjoy it (except when it snows). It wakes me up in the morning and gives me time to think. I have bought the Book of Mormon CD's and listen to them a couple times a morning on the way up. That can really change my day.
22. I owe everything to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The gospel is the greatest gift I have been blessed with. It has made me who I am and guides me in who I want to be. I know that He lives and that He loves me despite all the many mistakes I make daily.

23. Family is the most important thing to me on earth. If I could, I'd live with my family for the rest of my life. How grateful I am that I get to live with them for eternity.
24. The TV show I watch faithfully every week is Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice. If I miss it, then I watch in online after school on Friday while doing grades.
25. My dream puppy is a miniature teacup Yorkie. Only about $1,000. I have a picture of one on my desktop to remind me daily of my goal.

I DECIDED to do create this blog at 5 in the morning last night when I couldn't sleep and had been tossing and turning since about 2:30. It took me forever to get a cute background, but I think I've succeeded. I'd wanted to create a blog for a while but was hesitant because I felt like I didn't have much to talk about because I'm not married and don't have any children. But why's that to stop me?? I figured since I've been really bad a journal writing that I could try and keep up on a blog. Hopefully, I'll be successful at this and if not, someone get on my tail about it!
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