Tuesday night I went to a bonfire to celebrate the official beginning of spring break; yet, I'm not on spring break. Go figure. We went a little crazy with the camera but it was all in fun. We all met in one of the downstairs apartments and left around 8:30. We were supposed to meet at 8:00, but you know MST (Mormon Standard Time) :) We drove up the Provo Canyon and went t

o Vienna Park. Poor Sydney had to drive the big, huge truck and didn't have lights on the inside so she couldn't figure out how fast she was going unless we shined our cell phone lights on the speedometer! Once we got up there, we realized we were the bright ones of the group and had no flashlights and had to walk up to where we were. There was still snow on the ground and it was freezing! Okay, so like around 42 but we were averaging 65 in the

valley. We, well the boys, started the fire, boyscout way, and we all huddled around trying to get warm. We had all the necessities for a bonfire: marshmallows, graham crackers, Hershey's chocolate, and starbursts. Yes you read right. Roasted starbursts are so good! I love it and I introduced it to quite a few people.
There were so many people that showed up. It was insane and it was a huge fire and began to burn my legs under my jeans. I hate that. A few of us had made foil dinners and so we cooked those on the coals. It took three tries to get mine cooked because I had hamburger meat in it and it took forever. Third times the charm! Overall, it was a fu

n night. I came home smelling like smoke and fire, but hey, isn't that what bonfires are all about?
looks like fun!!!
Ah, to be young again..... live it up girl!!!
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