I've always been grateful for my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and for the blessing I've had of being raised by parents who were sealed in the temple and taught me right from wrong in all kinds of situations. I served a mission in Virginia three years ago and was forced to come home early due to illness. I learned a lot about patience and how the Atonement works for those that are hurting due to physical ailments and not spiritual ailments. I gained a testimony of the Atonement in that respect, but yet I don't think I've ever really gained a true testimony of the Atonement in the aspect of repentance. But due to recent events in my life, I have truly come to know that no matter what we do or who we hurt, we are loved by a loving Heavenly Father. He truly knows each of us and all the pain that we go through; whether it be brought upon us by the choices of others or by the small or large infractions we make day by day. I believe one of Heavenly Father's missions in my life is to teach me patience. Each time I'm faced with a new trial in my life, it always has something to do with patience. I seriously do not know how much more patience I can learn!! But I do know that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and by submitting myself to his will that I can and will become all that I am meant to be. Each day I must learn that I must make my will aligned with His so that I can become what I am meant to be. This has been and will continue to be one of the most difficult things for me to learn because I'm a leader and continually want to do things my way. But, I know that if I continue to trust in my Heavenly Father and confide in Him my greatest desires and fears, that if I keep my covenants and am obedient to His commandments, I will gain the greatest gift of all. I pray I may keep this perspective always.
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing your testimony. This was beautiful to read. You are a wonderful, strong woman and I'm so thankful to claim relation to you!
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