I had my first experience of visiting in Primary Children's. My niece spiked a 104 degree temperature on Wednesday and was first diagnosed with pneumonia. She was admitted to Primary Children's in the Rapid Care Unit. The poor thing was poked and prodded, and had blood drawn. At one point her heart rate was over 200, and when she was sleeping, it was still around 170. Normal is around 120 for toddlers. She didn't sleep at all and they thought she might have had a blood infection. We kind of freaked out at that because it's septic and my dad become septic before he passed away. My mom and I went and saw her the day after and she was doing pretty well. She waved to us and said hi when we walked in, and had the time of her life with the I-pad. Anytime a nurse or the doctor came in, she would freak out and start screaming. Ryan said that even when a nurse put a stethoscope on her back, she started screaming. Poor thing. She stayed a full 24 hours testing negative for the common string of viruses. How happy she was to get out of there.
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